The International Development Hub

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International Development Job Opportunities

Job Boards


Devex is a social impact platform focused on global development, helping individuals in the field of international development to network and build connections. They bring together individuals who wish to work in the field, volunteer, or donate to funding agencies, NGOs, and fellow aid workers1. Devex is the world’s largest global development job board.

This website helps those interested in working in international development find positions worldwide. It features postings for paid positions, consulting opportunities, and internships. They have over 15,000 listings available, and users can search in a number of ways. They offer both free membership and subscription options for access to special job postings1. DevNetJobs links job seekers to opportunities provided by recruiters.

Indev Jobs is a job portal providing information on jobs in NGOs, international development agencies, and UN agencies.


ReliefWeb is a site designed to help aid workers in the field and the NGOs that support them. It provides up-to-the-minute information on various global crises, including armed conflicts and natural disasters. The site is provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Working Abroad

This website helps people find opportunities to travel while doing good for the world. It lists paid positions with humanitarian, healthcare, community development, teaching, and environmental projects. It also has volunteer opportunities and internships.

UN Job List

UNJOBLIST is a site with jobs at UN agencies and other Intergovernmental Organizations.

Nonprofit Technology Network Board

This website helps people find full-time job or short-term opportunities at a nonprofit or other organizations that are using technology for social change (Civic Technology, etc).

NGO Job Board .org

This website helps people find opportunities to travel while doing good for the world. It lists paid positions with humanitarian, healthcare, community development, teaching, and environmental projects. It also has volunteer opportunities and internships.


This website helps people find opportunities to travel while doing good for the world. It lists paid positions with humanitarian, healthcare, community development, teaching, and environmental projects. It also has volunteer opportunities and internships.

Work for Good

With opportunities at all levels for new grads and seasoned pros alike, Work for Good is a national job board in the United States of America dedicated to helping nonprofits and others connect with job seekers looking to make a difference.

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